Monday, September 21, 2009


This paper is remarkable similar to PortLand. Therefore, I will focus first on the differences:
  • Topology — the supported topologies are folded Clos networks. Similar to fat trees, these provide many paths between racks and, as in PortLand, the authors propose routing flows randomly over the paths. Both of the papers examine three-stage topologies, both of which would support approximately the same number of end-hosts based on the number of ports each switch had; though the fat tree topology examined would use considerably more switches. To achieve similar performance VL2 assumes that switch-to-switch bandwidths are substantially higher than end-host-to-switch bandwidths. The fat tree topology is also considerably more regular, so where PortLand relies on location-specifying MAC addresses and explicit failure notifications the VL2 scheme runs a link state protocol between switches (but not to export end-host addresses) while .
  • Layer choice — VL2 uses location-specifying IP addresses; providing a mapping from location-agnostic (relocatable) IP addresses to location-specific ones analagous to PortLand's AMAC to PMAC mapping. Unlike PortLand, using IP addresses combines two mappings (AMAC to PMAC and PMAC to IP) that PortLand maintained into one mapping that VL2 contains (AA to LA). The disadvantage, of course, is that servers need extra support to know this mapping (doing IP in IP encapsulation) rather than it being backwards-compatible as using the ARP cache is.
  • The directory servers — in this paper, they are only responsible for the AA to LA mappings (no failure matrix), and replication/distribution of the directory servers is actually implemented. Also, the directory servers are queried by end-hosts rather than by switches;
  • Autoconfiguration story — None seems apparent in this paper.
  • Hardware required — The system in this paper runs on commodity switching ASICs, relying mostly on existing switch features rather than custom switching software.

The authors use some traces (presumably from MS data centers) and show that flow size varies a lot, traffic patterns are not very predictable, and small failures are frequent. They use these traces to motivate their choice of random load balancing rather than assuming a smarter scheme exists. For their prototype evaluation they measure utilization and fairness under an all-to-all TCP scenario on their 75-node testbed (apparently with near-commodity hardware) and measure interference between two services (with and without large numbers of TCP flows (‘mice’) in one service).

Probably the best feature of this paper is the authors extensive reuse of existing protocol implementations (OSPF, ECMP, etc.) This means that their fabric is probably more readily deployable and more hardware-agnostic than PortLand. It is also a disadvantage: they are not taking advantage of the relatively predictable topology they demand for routing, and many more pieces of hardware (each end-host) needs to be reconfigured than under the PortLand scheme which is truly invisible to the end-hosts.

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