This paper proposes distinguishing between human-initiated requests and machine-initiated requests by having a trusted attester generate signatures tying an application-specified action to recent input activity. The attester is isolated from the host operating system by a trusted virtual machine. Integrity of the attester (and, assuming the VM's correctness, the confidentiality of its signing key) and the virtual machine is assured by a TPM (Trusted Platform Module).
For services for which botnet abuse was a concern, applications would be able to ask the attester to sign some specified data with a statement indicating that keyboard or mouse activity had occurred at a time close to the requested action. The attester would avoid generating multiple attestations for the same and thereby effectively ratelimits the sensitive applications to the rate of real user activity on the machine. In the "normal" use case, the application would send these attestations to the service. The service would verify the attestation and adjust its behavior; for example, it could prioritize attested requests over non-attested requests.
Botnets attempting to create false attestations would be able to do so on non-idle machines of course, but the authors argue the rate at which they could do so effectively would be seriously limited. One danger is that attestations in this system are storable indefinitely — they contain a nonce (generated by the attestor to prevent trivial replays), but no timestamp unless one is added. The authors assume that users of attestations will encode the time in the signed material; for example, signing the date header of any sent e-mail and using URLs encoding a service-generated nonce or timestamp. Services must also maintain a nonce cache to prevent replay, which may be quite large in the case of high-latency services like e-mail. The authors predict that even for large botnets, the victim machines on which these botnets are running will not have user activity often enough to produce attested spam, DDoS, or click fraud traffic at nearly the rate they are acapable of today.
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